Posted by: G. Lane Cavalier | April 2, 2007

Networking: Networking with those that Don’t Network

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There are several things that must be done to reach that market that does not network:

  • First and foremost, YOU MUST BE A GIVER OF QUALITY REFERRALS!  The other tips will not work if you are a taker and not a giver.
  • Be sure you know exactly who you want to meet.  Write down who they are, what they do, their position in a company.  Brainstorm where you think they congregate and meet people. 
  • Be sure you are stating your needs clearly to everyone you meet.  If you attend networking events, tell people exactly who you want to meet.  Be as specific as possible.  If you have a name, say the name.
  • Ask for help from your referral network.  If you have been a giver of leads, they should all be willing to make introductions for you.  If they do not have a connection, everyone is separated by no more than 3 or 4 degrees.  People you have helped will be anxious to pay you back for your help by helping you.
  • Network outside of your box.  Attend events where the degrees of separation are less and start making connections with new groups of people.
  • Continue to be a giver.  The more you give, the more the “Law of Attraction” will give back.  It may not be today or tomorrow, but it will occur.

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Sharon is great, and this is great advice!!  But again, remember the two biggest things here  – be specfific about what you are asking someone to do, and always “GIVE FIRST.”

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